Peter Cross

Career Timeline

  1. Vice President & Founder @ JAS


    Myself with 11 other partners, started JAS (Jet and Aeronautics society @ UCF) a new club for students on UCF grounds to experiment and get hands on knowledge with jet combustion workflows and technology. I have spent my time implementing experience from when I was president @ RCCF. Students are encouraged to develop new technologies & experience as they see fit (being safe). I have also taking much time to learn Electrical engineering skills & brush up on my CAD abilities when making these new control systems

  2. R&D Engineer @ TremorTech


    Everything engineer at TremorTech, working on various projects reguarding sensor-fusion, radio communications, power optimization, embedded development, and Edge computing. Projects typically revolve around making new sensors for border security applications & building reliable radio networks for CBP contracts. After 2 years @ TremorTech, I can happily say that working for a startup, especially one of this speed has been life-changing. I have been given the honor to work and improve as I see fit. I have been given the ability to decide with co-workers the control flow and the constraints for each project with no more overhead than 'get it done'

  3. President @ RCCF


    Won internal presidential election at the Robotics club of central Florida. In my time as President, I helped aquire over $17,000 in sponsor funding, aswell as building their new Website, and re-structuring the organization for new growth. My main focus as President was to move the work culture from a ground of 'working because we have to' to 'working because we like it'. successfully bringing on new demographics of students & absorbing several smaller clubs on campus

  4. Lab Managment @ RCCF


    Joined the officer team at the Robotics Club of central Florida, and spent a year working on inventory systems & streamlining operations. Developed A LOT of communications & safety protocols. Aswell as building out new computing networks for club members to use