Peter Cross

Peter Cross

Career Timeline

  1. Vice President & Founder


    Myself with 11 other partners, started JAS (Jet and Aeronautics society @ UCF) a new club forstudents on UCF grounds to experiment and get hands on knowledge with jet combustion workflows and technology

  2. R&D / Sys Dev & Unify Engineer


    Stack engineer at Tremortech, working on various projects reguarding sensor-fusion, radio communications, power optimization, embedded development, and Edge computing

  3. President @ RCCF


    Won internal presidential at the Robotics club of central Florida. In my time as president, I helped aquire over $17,000 in sponsor funding, aswell as building their new Website, and re-structuring the organization for new growth

11 Projects

Bounce Back

Modular battery pack
PCBKiCADBattery Managment

Coming into mid-development and trying to understand the problems that plagued the original battery design for the skateboard, The main problems were that : there was no safety for discharge, there was no automatic shutoff, and with the battery being spot welded together, battery repair was tedious and not possible. That is what inspired this design, allowing the batteries to be placed in slots, and handled through a quick release interface!

JAS Club website

Coming into the beginning of Spring 2024, JAS was founded with myself aswell as 11 other friends of mine. Jets and Aeronautics Society @ UCF is built to give students the opportunity to get hands on experience with JET systems and development technology. This website and platform, serves as a common space for members to become more active within the club, and to help keep up to date with latest meetings / project updates


KiCADPCB DesignC/CPPRP2040GNSSMagnetismPID ControlControls

For the Spring of 2024, clubs on campus were invited to compete in the competition for the GNOR race (typically for engineering freshmen). The goal of PULP was to be a one stop solution to all the sensor fusion requirements of the competition. The game plan for PEEL was to be the code base that would run on the main PULP board. The vessel needed to be not only fast, but accurate, meaning that a RP2040 processor aswell as derivitive driven GPS radios were installed and used in the project. The goal moving forward would be to get the board into production, and start selling models for future years to come!


PCB to control JETs

Made with the help of Matthew Aranibar, this PCB design serves as a testing ground and a safety device for all JAS JET related projects. The goal of the Blast-Shield was to provide telemetry back to a base station using the mount point for an ESP32. Other features of the board include temperature sensing, power cutoff, and GPIO connection

Simple portfolio site
SveltekitCloudflareCloudflare WorkersWEB Assembly is a launchpad for a LOT of my personal web-dev projects. The domain was bought back in 2022 and since then has been fun to slowly and constantly re-invent the site aswell as myself every couple of months. The site serves as a testing ground for myself, and a spot for me to show off my abilities the best way I know how.


RCCF AGV Submission
ROSMetal SelectionAssemblyC/CPPManufacturing3D PrintingTeamworkProject managment

This project holds a special place in my heart because of the complexity & that it was my first project with RCCF. The plan was to make this AGV (Autonomous ground vehicle), and to make it in a year. During my time on the project, I was given the ability to initially help construct the vehicle, & give suggestions / implement solutions into the electronic backbone. More importantly I was invited by the team to compete in Detroit, Michigan with them come summer. The project was a LOT of fun to work on, and the Sleepless nights in Detroit, spent debugging & error correcting are something I will hold dear forever

RCCF Club website

Coming to the end of my time as the Lab Manager, one concern started to crop up as I began to entertain the idea of running for president. The RCCF website (Robotics Club of Central Florida) was lackluster to say the least. Many freatures had not been updated in years, and maintaining the site required university oversight, something that would hinder us in a growth stage. The goal of this project was to create a community backbone from scratch, that would greatly help the club not only collect dues, but verify members ,serve as a messaging ground, and would help run internal operations for project managment

PeterSpec Board V2

Custom Electric Scateboard
CADControlsMetal CastingPCB DesignPower managmentLIon Battery Design

Board V2 is the Large project that I like to take on every so often. The goal of the project is to implement fixes that the original board suffered from (battery safety, structural, electrical) with some new constraints. The main improvement in the board is the 4Wheel independent suspension, 8S Battery, and plans for Dual motor drive

Max V2.8

Re-Invented Delta Printer

Max 2.8 is a final step in the MAX project. The Max is a SeemeCNC Rostock Max V2 printer that has been upgraded to support a custom hotend, dual extrusion, auto bed-leveling & soon print failure detection. This is my second 3D printer I've owned and have learned a great deal from replacing and upgrading control boards, to enabling more movement in the head


Knowledge Database

Knowledge.DB is being developed to help make a knowledge managment database using the latest in AI technology. The game plan is for users to be able to add 'PROBLEMS' to the database, then while such problems are solved, the database vectorizes the information. If needed a user can then query for information stored in the DB, and retrieve the results closest to their question. Interesting aswell is that there is coming support for QNA and SUMMARIES for problems, so users can have conversations about documentation and gain additional insight into what the problem was trying to solve


Robotics IDE

GRDI was developed in conjunction with RCCF with the idea that ROS development in a standard text editor was painful, there was simply too many tools for one to use and too many things to keep track of. GRDI was introduced to help remedy this by providing an interface where users could develop GRDI 'MODULES' where these modules could be connected in a NODE-RED style & fashion to allow for easier setup and a more abstract development experience